It's very weird when you post a picture of yourself playing in the snow one week and the very next week you are soaking up 70 degree sunshine! BUT I'M LOVING IT!
I got some purple and yellow pansies today and put them in my planters in the front yard and got some new ferns to hang on the porch! I'm really getting into this yard work thing...never even saw it coming!
We even went ahead and booked our summer beach vacation and started combing the net and want ads for campers! We are going to buy one when we find one in our budget...wish us luck!
I didn't feel well this morning and missed sunday school and keeping the nursery...boo! I'm sure I can fill in another time with no problem...lol...but I still hate I missed. I don't know about you but when I miss church Sunday something just doesn't feel right...
Trav is on the couch now feeling pretty rough...he said he wiped lots of snotty noses in the nursery this morning (what a nice guy!) so who knows what kind of grody little germ he might have picked up. They're all over the place this time of year I guess. So just say a little prayer that he feels better by the morning!
Here are a few more snow pics.....
Just a short update...more to come later~
Yea for snow followed by sunshine and flowers!!!