September 24th, to be exact, which is my sweet Granny's birthday! It was a lovely, sweet coincidence!!!
I JUST FEEL SO SO SO BLESSED!!!!! Our little bit is 10 weeks and 2 days old today <3
To start this story off right, you need to know the background info :)
First of all, before this blessing, Trav and I had two other sweet blessings. In the past year, we had two miscarriages, one at 7 1/2 weeks and one at 5 1/2 weeks. Although those were tough times, I saw the Lord's strength in our weakness and felt his love and faithfulness through every step. My heart has a special love for women who have dealt with a miscarriage. When you love your baby SO MUCH from the very first moment you know it exists, it's hard to let them go. But knowing God loved them WAY MORE than I ever could gave us comfort and peace. about a month a half from that last miscarriage...and we found ourselves in NYC for an after-Christmas vacation. And then, two weeks later...we found ourselves staring at a stick with two pink lines on it!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO US!!!! Our sweet gift and God's little creation. P.S. He or she is affectionately referred to as "BABS" sometimes...our Big Apple Baby :)
Of course, I was very nervous throughout the first few weeks, and spent many days asking the Lord to take away my fear and replace it with His peace. And somehow, I made it through the LONG wait until the first ultrasound on Feb. 6th. At first, the Dr. seemed to be looking around trying to find a heartbeat---which of course made me so nervous. I could tell by the look on Trav's face that he was nervous, too. But then, after a few LONG moments, she said "THERE IT IS!" I have never been more amazed at anything in my entire life. That was the most precious thing I HAD EVER SEEN! A teeny-tiny blur with a perfect little heart.
Then came the LONG wait until the follow-up ultrasound on Feb. 25th. And let me tell you...those were some rough weeks! I started feeling EXHAUSTED and SICK anytime I wasn't asleep....which was basically ALL DAY LONG! But, knowing that probably meant everything was working just as it should, I trudged on with a THANKFUL heart and weak, weak tummy! Weeks 6-9 were the worst. Week 10 has been a piece of cake in comparison! :)
Here's a list I made awhile back so I could remember the crazy aversions I started having:
Do like: (if I am having a good day)
Pear fruit cups
Olive Garden salad (and LOTS of it!)
Oyster crackers
String cheese
French fries
Eggs (on bagel from Chick-fil-a)
Frozen pasta meals
Ruffle potato chips- These last two were mainly a one day craving kinda thing :)
French onion dip
Pretty much any meat
Even pickles right now
ANYTHING not on the list above J
Smells that bother me:
Caramel coffee or creamer
Wet dog
Candles (yuck)
Like I said, I'm feeling much better now ;)
Now , getting back to the ultrasound on the 25th, which was right at 10 weeks. I just COULD NOT WAIT to see the baby again. Luckily, this time, the Dr. found the baby almost immediately. I saw a huge smile spread over Trav's face and he said "oh my gosh, it's moving so much!" I said "lemme see! lemme see!" Sure enough, two little arms and two little legs wiggling around all over the place, along with a strong heartbeat. The baby had also grown 3x's as big since the first appointment. SUCH A BLESSING!
Our next appointment is March 26th and they won't do another ultrasound but will check the heartbeat so, OF COURSE, I'm already looking forward to hearing it for the first time. The last time I only saw it. I think hearing it will be pretty neat :)
I chose a bible verse to put up with the ultrasound pic on facebook:
"For you, O Lord, have made me happy by what you have done, I will sing for JOY at the work of your hands."
~Psalm 92:4~
Later on, a friend pointed out that the scripture reference is also the baby's due date: 9-24!
Talk about goosebumps! I am being CONTINUOUSLY amazed by God's power and faithfulness!
Laura, Travis, and Babs ;)