I am so excited about getting back on my blog! Between work, school, and BABY :), I have just been exhausted and blogging has been the last thing on my to-do list. But now that I'm feeling so much better and things are calming down (SORTA :) I am gonna try to do a better job with more frequent posts and updates. It made me feel good that some of my friends missed my blogs...so this one's for you sweet friends!!
Sleep is definitely not a problem for now :) I am still super comfortable, sleeping well, and even waking up feeling well-rested. I can make it through most days without a nap now and don't turn into a zombie by 6 pm. It's nice to enjoy the evenings again instead of sleeping through them!
This also is NOT A PROBLEM...LOL! If anything, I'm too hungry and having to watch myself to make sure I'm not overindulging :) The 8 day cruise we just got back from certainly attributed to the 10+lb. weight gain I've had so far. But I am still trying to make good, healthy food choices so Babs gets everything she needs! All foods seem pretty tasty to me right now but seaweed salad and California rolls top the chart...
***How ironic that my dental floss just happens to be so conveniently in reach on my bedside table for after this meal...lol!***
In the last six weeks, I have put on about 7 pounds. I am trying not to focus on the scale and focus instead on the healthy sweet baby girl I have growing inside of me. I have been hungrier than ever and find myself wanting a little snack about every two hours. I am trying to opt for fruit and veggies more than lifesaver gummies....but that doesn't always happen :)
We love our little GIRL so much and can't wait to meet her!!! We are already praying for her heart to be receptive to the Holy Spirit and that she will know Jesus as her personal savior one day and that she will make a difference in the lives of others. I know she's gonna be a super special lil' girl!
I've only had one major crying spell a week or so ago...mainly because my luggage got lost on our cruise and I lost all self control and balled my eyes out.
Lucky for them, my luggage was found later that night!!! Hehe!
P.S. 19 weeks was the
PERFECT time for our "babymoon" cruise...I felt amazing and relaxed the entire time! I would highly recommend it for Mom and Dad's to-be! Dads....you might just wanna carry the ladies suitcase straight to the room to avoid any disasters and emotional breakdowns :)
Gender Predictions:
From the 13 week post:
find myself calling the baby "her" all the time! It's probably because
my family is full of girls and that's just what I'm used to....but my
gut instinct still says "pink" :) Although I would be so thrilled to find out it's actually "blue"! Time will tell :)
Obviously....I was right!!!
What is that?!?
And lastly, look at this sweet gift from Bette and NunNun.....
Her first Cabbage Patch Doll and she
She also got two new dresses!!!
Babs says "I love you!" and "THANKS SO MUCH!"