It's CIRCUS time!
For KIDS of ALL AGES...and that's us!!! :)
Lot's of CLOWING around...
Practicing for our OWN acts someday...
(Contrary to popular belief...NO...that's not our act:)
There was SOOO much interactive time during the pre-show and lots of fun stuff for the kiddos (of all ages)!
$12 icees! Yum! Lol!
....and many more essential souvenirs!
(ummm...there were 7 dirt bikes in that rather small ball!)
I did NOT know there were horses with wings!?! :)
Lots of ladies hanging by their hair!!!
It really was one of the GREATEST SHOWS ON EARTH!
Thanks Happy and Big Daddy for the super fun Christmas gift!!!
P.S. I WILL ride an elephant someday :)
P.P.S. Can't wait to take Chloe Bug one day...better start saving for the souvenirs now!
40-Piece Acrylic Art Set For $15.99 (reg. $30.95)
11 hours ago