Shame on me!!!
It's been waaay too long since my last post but I never expected the last few months to be quite as busy as they were!
I finished another semester of school and after one long 55 page research paper later I'm finally getting a break. YAY! It was so worth the hard work though!
Now I find myself at 29 weeks....AMAZING!!!
I'm so thankful our sweet little Chloe is continuing to grow strong and God be ALL THE GLORY! We are just so THANKFUL!!!
So far, my favorite part of being pregnant, other than the eager anticipation of her arrival, has been when we read to her at night. Travis picks out a book and then we lay in bed together and read to her. I think she enjoys it too because sometimes she becomes a little wiggle worm when she hears Trav's voice. Last night's book was Albert the Alphabetical Elephant...who knows maybe she'll come out saying her ABC'S :)
Seeing my body change has not been nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I know that sounds selfish but I was a little concerned about how I would feel about packing on extra pounds but suprisingly, it's not been bad at all. I just remind myself that my body is made for this and that the extra pounds ensure Chloe is getting everything she needs...which is all that really matters. I can start bootcamp after she arrives :) Or! But here in the home stretch I've been trying to make all my food choices count...lots and lots of peaches and fresh fruit, tons of greek yogurt, gallons and gallons of water (my thirst is UNQUENCHABLE!!!) and just a small slice of pie here and there ;) Oh, my weakness lately has been plates of pickles with Dill pickle potato chips....I try to drink TONS of water on those days to flush out all that salt. But boy is it DELISH!
We are finally moved into our new house and PRAYING for a buyer for the old one. Several people have looked at it and there's been some pretty good interest so far. Travis has been so good about getting everything done and taking care of things around both houses. He's such a wonderful husband...I couldn't ask for a better one! I'm so excited to see him and Chloe together and watch him become a Dad :)
I finally found the crib bedding I want for's so pretty! Haven't ordered it yet but hopefully we'll get to that next month. I also already found a "coming home" outfit for her---
$13 Women’s 2-Piece Pajama Sets
9 hours ago
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