"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

{My Inverted Pyramid of Positivity}

I woke up this morning with the following on my mind and put it on paper so I wouldn't forget it :)

Affectionately titled "The Inverted Pyramid of Positivity".

I am…

STRONG. I can do anything. I can push my mind and body. I can keep going.
SPECIAL. My gifts to the world are unlike any other. I make a difference.
LOVED. I matter to people. I matter to God. I matter to myself.
KIND. I give of myself. I cherish the value of others.
HARDWORKING. I do not quit. I finish strong.
UNIQUE. There is no one exactly like me.
HUMAN. I am not perfect. And that’s ok.
BLESSED. I have more than I need.
PERFECT. Just the way I am.

Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of how valuable we really are. Print this and carry it with you. Pull it out whenever you need to remind yourself of how incredibly awesome you are!

Be BLESSED Friends!



Unknown said...

Good for you Laura! This is great! Very inspirational!!!

Unknown said...

Good for you Laura! This is great! Very inspirational!!!