"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Out with the old—in with the BOO!

It’s Halloween time and it’s one of my favorites! I think all of the fun childhood memories I have make it such fun to celebrate with my own kids now! 

So- we went from basic Fall (and the first of many Halloween outfits!)...
To a new spooktacular look! 
Complete with Halloween outfit #2! 

Ryder is NOT fond of the “monster table” 
At ALL! So- it currently looks like this...https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1CBgyqDnQFQE2GVLflOmoPKoftjY2BhP3

We also did some apple eatin’
And some coffee drinking! Lots of coffee drinkin’ 🤪! 
We also really enjoyed the 5pm Newspring service on Sunday! The times works so well with our schedule (no nap interruptions!), kids can get a bath right before and be ready for bed after! Ryder loved getting his sword of the shield toy and Chloe memorized Ephesians 6:11- in her words “put on all of the armor of God to resist the devil’s evil plans.”
Counting my blessings— so MANY blessings! 


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