Frankenstein socks make you super strong! Don’t believe me? Just ask Ryder!
“100” pushups and he’s still not tired! Next came bench press with Chloe’s baton—what a muscle man!
Bentson thinks working out is over-rated— he’d rather talk to ViVi. Same, Bentson, same!
We spent the rest of our morning putting up Mr. Scarecrow 😊
Before long, it was time to meet Chloe at her school bookfair! I loooooove the bookfair! Who else remembers buying lots of junk like posters, bookmarks, and smelly pencils...and very few books!? 😂 Good times!
Chloe got a good mix of both!
And some for Ryder, too! Super excited, huh? Lol!
He actually really was pretty happy about it but we interrupted his Hocus Pocus watching- so that kinda bummed him out! (It’s not like we hadn’t already watched it twice today and four other times this week 😜)
While at Chloe’s school, I got to see some of her work! Writing sentences like a champ!
I’m so proud of her!
We spent our evening carving jack-o-lanterns
Well, I carved jack-o-lanterns—- Chloe hated the guts! I seriously got a rash on my hands and forearms from so much scooping and scraping. As my Mom would say, “do it for the children!” Ryder enjoyed poking his pumpkin over and over and over with his little tool. 🙈🎃
Before too long, we’d created “JoJo Jack-o-lantern”and “Mr. Spooky Dooky”! I saw a hilarious joke on Facebook yesterday and it stuck with the kids- Every poop you take in October is called a “spooky Dooky”! I don’t care who you are—that is FUNNY! Ryder took any and all chances to say “spooky dooky” today!
We kept supper classy with our traditional $1.99 Tuesday night Happy Meals, read our new books, and watched Halloween Town before half of us fell asleep on the couch 🤪
Thanking the Lord for these days with my children...soaking up every second and realizing each day-more and more- what an incredible gift they are! God gives us the BEST!!!
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