What a Wonderful birthday weekend!
I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband, so many GREAT friends, and such a loving family...all of whom made my birthday such a very special day!

My Birthday started with a very special gift from Travis. We went to the "Marriage God's Way" conference in Greenville at First Pres. It was put on by
Greg and Erin Smalley and it WAS FANTASTIC! I can't think of any way I'd rather spend my birthday than with my husband as we learned how to love God and each other even more! During the break on Saturday we had lunch at
Chicora Alley and walked around Falls Park for awhile. It was a beautiful day and it made me feel like God was smiling down on me on my special day. We strolled around a little more, got to play with a beautiful Burmese Mountain Dog (i would have never known that except for his owner told me...lol!), and just talked about the wonderful things we had learned during the conference. Then...HOORAY...Trav took me to the Goodwill and I found a HUGE box full of Fourth of July decorations for 5 bucks! LUCKY ME! JACKPOT! Watch out
Lakewood...our campsite is going to be DECKED OUT this summer! (Like that mom? haha!)
I also found a couple of Berenstein Bear books which I've been trying to collect for awhile now so I guess I hit the double jackpot! After Goodwill we went to Dick's sporting Goods and Trav got to use the giftcard he got for his birthday to buy a new golf bag and we browsed the camping section for awhile. (I'm practically stalking the Corn Hole game there!) Our sweet tooth kicked in about the time we checked out there so we went to Marble Slab and got some icecream. Oh yeah, word to the wise, be careful next time you have samples there because surely someone else has made this same mistake. Here goes....
I was having a VERY HARD TIME deciding between the snow cream, cheesecake, and birthday cake flavors so I tried them all before finally settling with cheesecake (Yummy!). I put my little spoons in the container on top of the counter where all the other little spoons were and happily went on about my business deciding between butterfinger or cookie dough mix-ins. BUT as soon as I looked up in satisfaction that I had make the perfect dessert I saw the woman behind the counter reach into the little container I had "properly disposed" my germy little spoon in, scoop out a hearty-sized sample of triple fudge for the eager woman behind me and hand it to her....

"WAIT!!!...THAT WAS MY SPOON!", I screeched! "And you should probably go ahead and dump that out and start over with a fresh batch of little spoons because somewhere in there are my other two licked-all-over spoons." Ooops...I was just trying to be nice and clean up after myself! Lol! Luckily the lady behind me had a great attitude and got a really good laugh too...but I promise you she is going to be very cautious the next time she reaches out for a sample!
So after my Marble Slab fiasco it was time to head back to First Pres for the Banquet that closed the conference. We had steak, baked potatoes, asparagus, salads, and cheesecake and it was delicious! We really had such a great time!
Sunday morning, the day of my actualy birthday, Travis surprised me with my favorite breakfast, a Bojangles biscuit (on your birthday you have the right to eat lots of trans fats infested foods, right?) and we went to Sunday School. My friends, Jessica and Ray, gave me a SNUGGIE and I was so excited I almost peed my pants! I've been wanting a Snuggie since Christmas and they remembered! They are great friends and it just meant a whole lot to me! THANKS JESSICA AND RAY! After church we went to my Granny's house for a big sunday birthday lunch! My Granny is such a good cook and she fixed all my favorites including a strawberry shortcake birthday cake!

I also got lots of nice presents! I got a new wreath for my front door from my Gran and Pop, money from Amy, Eddie, and Meagan and more money from Fran, Carl, Morgan and Camryn, a wrought iron picture collage already filled with pictures of me with my family from my mom, dad, Nikki, Ali, and Brian, a heart shaped back scrubber also from the Mercers :) , a visa gift card, also from the Mercers:) , a valentine gown and coffee mug from Molly and John, an awesome hand made elephant bracelet from my Aunt Fran (she makes gorgeous sterling silver jewelry), a beautiful hand made bracelet from my cousin Morgan, an elephant

picture holder that was on my cake from my Gran and Pop, and other various knick knacks! Bette and Nun Nun gave me a beautiful cream sweater, I got a cute stationary set from Vanessa, Tim, and Hunter, and MOOLA from Ken and Lynn! My little brother Brian gave me a one-eared plastic moose, a bouncy ball, and a "bubble gum scented necklace, bracelet, and earring holder" which was his empty bubble gum container! It was too cute...and thoughtful too I might add!

I found the perfect place for my one-eared plastic moose too, just incase you were wondering!
After lunch my mom and I took pictures of her parapro's children for Valentine's Day. We had such a great time setting it up and later making all the edits and crops. We also worked on her website for awhile. Me and Ali went to the new Ingles in Elberton (this is a very big deal people!) and got some stuff to make homemade Nachos!
We got home around 12 am and February 8th turned into February 9th...and I fell asleep thinking about what a great day it had been! I couldn't have asked for anything more!
Yea for such an awesome weekend!