Hey! Haaaay!
What a BEAUTIFUL day! I decided to sport my new sheer yellow blouse that I got last week off the $1 rack at Goodwill.
{Reminder...pics are taken when car is PARKED...lol!}

{Reminder...pics are taken when car is PARKED...lol!}
So.....can I get a WOOT WOOT for CHEAP & CUTE CLOTHES???
First though, how about a shout out to Trolli Gummy bunnies 1/2 price from Ingles. Nommmm!
Mkkkay~back to clothes:)
First though, how about a shout out to Trolli Gummy bunnies 1/2 price from Ingles. Nommmm!

And now for my HAUL! I had the shopping bug today so I hit up two of our local Goodwill stores. Dollars Days start on Thursday and last through Saturday so the earlier you get there the more likely you are to find the GOOD stuff:) The Early Bird GETS THE WORM....or the Banana Republic slacks in this case~luv it!
Drum Roll please.....
Drum Roll please.....

I just finished reading a new book, America's Cheapest Family, and I learned some new "thrifty lifestyle" tips. Check out their website---it's full of money saving advice and strategies:) Why would anyone NOT want to learn how to stretch each $ God gives you just a little bit farther:)
Used and Cheap is the new Chic!
P.S. The dots just moved at Burkes Outlet! I found lots of things for 95% off today.
Happy Bargain Hunting!
P.S. The dots just moved at Burkes Outlet! I found lots of things for 95% off today.
Happy Bargain Hunting!