Please Pray for my friend Jenna Kurtz, who was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Jenna is my sister's best friend from childhood and she also went to my granny's playschool when she was little! We've know precious Jenna for her whole life and she's always been a gift to everyone who's known her! Jenna is a talented artist, a teacher, a daughter, a sister, a new wife, and a treasured friend! Jenna has already had surgery to remove the tumor they found in her brain and PRAISE THE LORD the surgery was successful and she is recovering at home. She is still weak but is very thankful they were able to remove the entire tumor without causing significant impairments. She has a long road ahead of her as she will be starting chemo and radiation treatments at Duke soon. I will keep my blog updated with Jenna's progress, with praise reports, and with prayer requests. You can also click on her name, above, which is a link to a website that provides updates from Jenna's family and friends on how she's doing! Jenna is only 25 years old. It breaks my heart! She's a beautiful girl who LOVES JESUS and she is feeling full of HOPE knowing she's in the hands of her creator! But she needs prayer without ceasing for HEALING, STRENGTH, AND PEACE as we are all human and battling something like this is so very hard!!! Please pray for Jenna!!!
Yea for Jenna! Yea for answered Prayers!