Here's a little of what we've been up to!

We celebrated my Aunt Amy's Birthday with a party at my Granny's house!!!....


And We celebrated Father's Day with a cookout at Eddie, Amy, and Meg's house in Lincolnton, Ga. We had hamburgers, banana pudding, and homemade ice cream and rode bikes and had lots of fun!!!....

This gift was obviously a joke!

And finally, Fireworks at the Hartwell Dam, except my camera went dead before I could get any fireworks! We went out on the pontoon with my friends Jessica and Ray and Ray's family. It was fun and got me feeling patriotic!

This morning I was listening to a sermon on TV and the pastor's message was about God's design for marriage. Isn't this just one of the most beautiful passages...
"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Eccles. 4:12 NIV)

I started thinking about how thankful I am for my "Cord of three strands"! In a world where "cords" are snapping apart daily I thank my God for His strength that always holds my life, my marriage, and my future in a strong and mighty way.
Yea for Family, Friends, Dads, Fireworks, Lakes, Sunsets, Bike Rides, and Cords that are not easily broken!!!