What a rainy, lazy weekend...but what a GOOD ONE!
I woke up Saturday morning to the smell of Trav cooking a wonderful breakfast! He made us eggs, toast, and bacon...I'm such a blessed gal to have such a WONDERFUL husband! Not a day goes by that I don't stop and think about how God blessed me with a wonderful partner to share my life with!
We watched lots of football this weekend...YEA for a TIGER WIN!!!...and spent lots of time with Glory...taking walks, going to pet smart, ect. We also looked after Mo's dog, chopper, this weekend since her and John were celebrating their first anniversary with a trip to Atlanta...Happy Anniversary Mo!...
Oh, also...I just got a new cell phone, mine FINALLY kicked the bucket, and I lost lots of numbers because I wasn't able to transfer my contact list so please text me your cell number if you happen to read this so I can add it back to my list.
I'll be in Columbia this week at a training and I hate leaving Trav, Glory, Rex, Roxie, and Tink but boy am I looking forward to a little break from the office and a time to relax and learn some new stuff!
Hope everyone has a GREAT and BLESSED week!
P.S. The laptop is still out of commission so I haven't been able to post pics from my fun weekend with Ali and Meredith but I will as soon as I can!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Technical Difficulty! LOL!
My laptop at home is broken...BOO...and I'm squeezing this quick entry in at work...but I hope to be back in action VERY SOON! Love yall!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sister Friend Time!
Tonight Ali and her friend Meredith are coming to stay with us! We are going to pick them up in Elberton after the football game tonight and then tomorrow us girls are gonna do some shopping and maybe go see a movie...I'm excited!
I am about to leave to go by and check on Milo and Alex...two of my favorite cats! LOL! Their "mommy" is out of town so I'm going to go play with them for a little bit. Then I'm going to go home and bake us some brownies for later! YUMMY! I like to bake my brownies in muffin tins so you get the good, crunchy edge all the way around each brownie!
Well...Have a good Friday Night!
I am about to leave to go by and check on Milo and Alex...two of my favorite cats! LOL! Their "mommy" is out of town so I'm going to go play with them for a little bit. Then I'm going to go home and bake us some brownies for later! YUMMY! I like to bake my brownies in muffin tins so you get the good, crunchy edge all the way around each brownie!
Well...Have a good Friday Night!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Braves, Sushi, and Bears....Oh My!!!

We hit the road early Sunday morning and stopped to get some cash...

And then we hit the road.

After the movie we were pretty tired! We got slightly lost trying to get back to the hotel but Travis was able to get us back before we knew it. It's so easy to get lost in all that traffic. Traffic everywhere...all day!

Finally, on the way home from Atlanta we stopped in Hartwell and had a cook out with the Fam! We took a long walk on the dam, had hamburgers, beans, chips, and a yummy cookie cake, picked muscadines, and just enjoyed each other's company!

We are truly blessed to have the opportunity to spend quality time together and thank God for all the many ways he shows us how much we are loved....by others and by HIM!

I can't wait to share out little Atlanta Get-Away with you all and I plan on making the post tonight!
Work has been a BEAST this week but tonight I expect to have some free time while watching the TIGERS win!!!
Til then....
Work has been a BEAST this week but tonight I expect to have some free time while watching the TIGERS win!!!
Til then....
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day Get Away...ATL here we come!
Slight change of plans..
Tickets didn't come in time for the behind the scenes tour at the Aquarium so we are planning on going to ZOO Atlanta instead...which sounds just as fun! I love the Zoo and can't wait! And I found an old Braves Jersey I bought when I was in college to wear to the game...how fun!
Itenirary (no clue how to spell that!):
8 am-breakfast at Cracker Barrel (and shopping in the little country store...LOVE IT!)
10 am- hit the interstate and head to Atlanta
12 pm ish- park at hotel and walk to Turner Field
Whenever game is over- Sushi dinner and maybe a movie...possibly the new Sandra Bullock movie...can't think of the name right now but it looks very funny!)
Whenever we wake up!!!- Breakfast at hotel
Then- ZOO!!!
Finally- maybe I can convince Trav to stop at some thrift stores and then coming on home
I can't wait!!!
Oh yeah...don't forget to wear your favorite team logo to Chic-fil-A Monday to get a free chic-fil-A sandwich!
So...Trav had to work today so I'm just hanging out at home, getting ready for the trip!
I did take a little trip to Haven of Rest and found some goodies...got Molly what looks to be a brand new pregnancy book...I hope she likes it! I found one of those little gadgets that separates egg whites from the yolks and a few other little trinkets...a total of $2.60....BIG SPENDER! LOL!
I just finished watching Madea goes to Jail and I haven't laughed so much in a long time! It was hilarious! I loved it...rent it tonight if you haven't seen it!
Gotta get the Swiffer Wet Jet going and get the house clean so we can hit the road...I just hate going on a trip and leaving a dirty home behind...because you gotta come back to it eventually! Ha! So I guess I'll get to mopping so I can come home to a clean house!
Yea for T-Minus 17 hours until our weekend get-away!
Tickets didn't come in time for the behind the scenes tour at the Aquarium so we are planning on going to ZOO Atlanta instead...which sounds just as fun! I love the Zoo and can't wait! And I found an old Braves Jersey I bought when I was in college to wear to the game...how fun!
Itenirary (no clue how to spell that!):
8 am-breakfast at Cracker Barrel (and shopping in the little country store...LOVE IT!)
10 am- hit the interstate and head to Atlanta
12 pm ish- park at hotel and walk to Turner Field
Whenever game is over- Sushi dinner and maybe a movie...possibly the new Sandra Bullock movie...can't think of the name right now but it looks very funny!)
Whenever we wake up!!!- Breakfast at hotel
Then- ZOO!!!
Finally- maybe I can convince Trav to stop at some thrift stores and then coming on home
I can't wait!!!
Oh yeah...don't forget to wear your favorite team logo to Chic-fil-A Monday to get a free chic-fil-A sandwich!
So...Trav had to work today so I'm just hanging out at home, getting ready for the trip!
I did take a little trip to Haven of Rest and found some goodies...got Molly what looks to be a brand new pregnancy book...I hope she likes it! I found one of those little gadgets that separates egg whites from the yolks and a few other little trinkets...a total of $2.60....BIG SPENDER! LOL!
I just finished watching Madea goes to Jail and I haven't laughed so much in a long time! It was hilarious! I loved it...rent it tonight if you haven't seen it!
Gotta get the Swiffer Wet Jet going and get the house clean so we can hit the road...I just hate going on a trip and leaving a dirty home behind...because you gotta come back to it eventually! Ha! So I guess I'll get to mopping so I can come home to a clean house!
Yea for T-Minus 17 hours until our weekend get-away!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
College Football!!!

I don't know about you but I'm so excited that College football is starting up again! I just love when you can start to feel fall in the air, football season starts, and Thanksgiving feels right around the corner! It might just be my favorite time of the year!
I'm really looking forward to our little trip to ATL this weekend! Since we got back from the beach we've been wanting to take a little weekend trip and I think this will be perfect! Hopefully the weather will hold out for the Braves game on Sunday and hopefully we can find a good sushi restaurant too...if those two things happen I'll be perfectly satisfied! No really...just spending some good quality time with Travis is really all I need...but some good sushi wouldn't hurt either! lol! My sweet sister Molly has agreed to look after Glory, Rex, and Roxie while we're gone so we are all set...THAN KS MO!
Well...Gotta go and see how this SC game turns out and on that note....
GO TIGERS! haha!
Hope everyone has a good Friday..I've been looking forward to it since Monday!

Yea for football, falling leaves, and tomorrow being FRIDAY!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
My girls!

Nikki, Kayla, Faith, and Kristen invited me and Molly to join them at Wild Wings tonight so of course...
We did!

The only sad part of the night was that we left before Kayla and Kristen got to sing Karaoke but maybe next time!

Hoping the McCallisters can come over for dinner! Trav and I are going to the Wednesday night service because we will be out of town Sunday for a little Labor Day Get Away! Trav got us tickets for a Braves game, a nice hotel, and backstage passes/tickets for the Georgia Aquarium! Can't wait to spend a FUN WEEKEND with my WONDERFUL HUSBAND but first...three more days of work to go!
"Are you a cell phone technician???" Huh??? "Oh....Do you know Paris Hilton!" LoL!
P.S . Update: Molly and baby are both still doing GREAT and Molly is still feeling pretty good! Please keep them in your prayers!

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