"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Monday, August 22, 2011

{Show Offs!}

A new (obviously vintage:) hot plate from Goodwill with a sweet prayer on it... Some vintage sandals...found these for $3 at Goodwill and then found a link for some on ebay for $20 but I think i'll keep mine;0)

New highlights courtesy of moi....hopefully I'm getting better with practice!
...AND....I'm in love! Yep...with this new candle at Bath & Body Works:)I'm still burning all my summer candles but come fall I'm treating myself to one of these! It smells JUST LIKE the real deal:)
This past Saturday, we all went to the Mall to support Molly and her new business, Sweet Petite Cupcakes. She entered the Layers for Life contest and won 1st PLACE for her super cute pirate cupcake presentation! Yay Mo!

Sistah-friend support!
Woot! Woot! These things are HEAVENLY to look at AND eat:)
Great Job Mo!!! "Making Cancer Walk the Plank!" Argh!
"I'm proud of my Mommy!"
"...and I LUV this lemonade!"

I love me some Makayla time!

But I DO NOT LIKE all this LAUNDRY that needs to be hung...

maybe it can wait until tomorrow.....(*sigh*)



1 comment:

Jeff, Sarah Ellen, and Beck said...

Go Molly with her cute cupcakes!