"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

{Current Beauty Favs + More}

Holy Cow!

I dropped my 32 oz Mickey D's cup as soon as I got into my office. On the upside, I was bright-eyed and bushy tailed after spending 20 minutes sopping it all up. To the office custodians: It was I who took the ENTIRE stack of paper towels this morning. Guilty as charged.

A few nights ago, I cleaned up this little mess, too :)
Naughty Rex cannot resist the pipe cleaners. He opened the white shelf and climbed to the top to pull them all out. REEEEXXXXX!!!!!

But, I do have some good news to share  :)

I am happy to report that since Jan. 1st I haven't purchased any new accessories, clothes, or shoes. Go me! That's 24 days people :) However, Travis did catch an awesome t-shirt for me that was thrown into the crowd at NewSpring and my sister Ali gave me a scarf she no longer wanted. I ditched an old t-shirt in place of the new one and I kept the scarf without getting rid of another one because I had plenty of room on the hanger. It's a nice, neutral navy blue that can be worn with a lot a I've already worn it twice in two weeks.

Today I went by Ulta and CVS to use some coupons I'd been saving up and I got some awesome new products!
Retail Value: $57.97 (not including tax)
Total spent minus sales and coupons: $16.90!!!! I can't wait to try the sea salt texturizing spray :)

Now I have to go through my stuff and get rid of one lipstick, two eyeshadows (oh gosh that's gonna be hard!!!), and two nail polishes.

While we're on the topic, here are a few awesome products I've been meaning to brag about----
Hands down the BEST mascara for thickening + lengthening in one tube that I've tried in a long time.

Don't know if you guys can read this, but it's Clinique's bottom lash mascara. It stays on ALL day without flaking or smearing and is so easy to apply to those super tiny lashes.
Victoria's Secret Heavenly Eyes palette. I got this at Christmas in a fragrance gift set and the shades are Ah-mazing! They really have staying power, too :)
I only occasionally use eyeliner on the top lid and when I apply this it doesn't move or smear all day. The color is rich and silky. My eyes are small and most eyeliners I've used on the upper lash line seem to smear onto the lid but this one doesn't. Yay!
I also recently dusted off the eye lash curler. Forgot what a difference this thing makes!

 And last but not least, please remember that makeup is just for fun and doesn't make you beautiful. That, you already are, my friend! Just wanna make sure you know that!!! I really feel like we live in a society fixated on perfection and unrealistic ideals of beauty and there are young girls who read my blog so I like to take advantages of these opportunities to encourage all you super special, GAW-GEOUS ladies out there;) Advice from a girl who went to work with no makeup on today....


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