I weighed myself again today and bad news...I am at 148 which means either I'm just bloated (wishful thinking) or I've gained the two pounds back which I'm pretty sure is the case. I pretty much blew it over the weekend and this week. BUT... I got back on track today with a salad from Moe's (minus the chips and dip) and I'm feeling pretty good about that! I have exactly 35 days before I go to the beach so I gotta keep on truckin'!
Luckily, I'm feeling very blessed and optimistic and very thankful for a healthy body that works and helps me do God's work! BUT...I just gotta stay positive and stay on track! No need to get down...I just have to work on my self-control!
This week was EXTREMELY busy at work! We had our annual Foster Parent Appreciation Banquet Thursday evening and it went so well! I had four awesome co-workers working with me and I think the Foster Parents really enjoyed it! My sister, Molly, sang and it was BEAUTIFUL! We had lots of good giveaways and food thanks to awesome support from the community!

These are two of my amazingly nice co-workers and friends!

Me and Molly...She sang and did a WONDERFUL JOB!!!

We served our Foster Parents...they deserve a little pampering!

Me and my friend/co-worker Micheal. He sang with Molly and did a great job too!
So....Trav is playing in the County Golf Championship tomorrow so if you read this please say a little prayer that he will play to the very best of his ability! I'm so excited for him...he's already a champ to me!
As for me, my sister, Nikki, is coming early in the morning and we are going to hit up some neighborhood yard sales and then the jockey lot! I am already anticipating some bargains!!! Woo Woo!!! I'll be sure to post any good finds when we get home!
Speaking of Nikki...look what her and Brian did to me on the ride back from the lake last weekend! They really made me so beautiful, huh???

I can't believe I actually posted that...but I just love giving someone a good laugh!

We were ALL making funny faces...Nikki DOES NOT normally look like that! LOL!!!
Finally I'll just leave you with four simple letters...T-G-I-F!!!!

Yea for Friday and Yea for Saturday...only two hours away!!!