"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My new Favorite Christian Singer!

The song on my blog is called "Free to be Me" by Francesca Bastistelli. She's a great new Christian singer! I first heard this song on His Radio a few weeks ago and I'm hooked! What do you think??? Have a great day and know that in Him you are free to be his fearfully and wonderfully made creation!!!


Bubba said...

Everytime I hear that song on the radio, I BLAIR it!! I love loud music when I'm driving, which may not be good, but I love signing and dancing, even though I'm not that good at it. Its just fun!

Laura said...


I can just see you singing and carrying on in your car! Ha! Ha!

Let's sing and dance next time we go to Goodwill...I'm gonna buy the cd!