"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Monday, January 18, 2010


I just patted myself on the back because I made a HUGE accomplishment today! I finally cleaned out my "junk room" and I COULDN'T FEEL BETTER!!! It's amazing what getting up and doing something productive can do for a person! And if you had seen my "junk room" before your jaw would be on the ground right now because it was a VERY DAUNTING TASK...but I DID IT!!! Yea!!!

I have so many other tasks I want to finish up around the house so I hope I can get a few more done before the day is over...that involves cleaning out some closets...YUCK!...but I know how happy I'll be to get it done! And then the job is TRYING TO KEEP IT THAT WAY!!!

Well...back to work...hope you've had a nice day too!

Yea for feelin' like a brand new woman!!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Yea!!!! I'm so glad you got that done! I know you must feel fantastic! I finished painting the nursery today! Yea!!