"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Friday, September 7, 2012

{NeW fall WrEaTh!}

New from Old is affordable AND awesome!

OOPS! (Forgot to photo the process) but I just clipped off all the summer flowers that had faded from this wreath and kept the basic greenery that was left.
Then I wrapped two strands of leaves around the entire wreath (found at Micheals for 40% off $5.99!) then I clipped on three big flowers(similar to hair barretts) in the corner (also found at Micheals for 20% off of $1.99 each!)
I was out of glue sticks last night :( so I couldn't finish it totally but tonight I'll hot glue the cute wooden Owl (found at Target DOLLAR SPOT!)in the bare corner beside the flowers and I'll be done:)

Total investement: about $10!!!
Time invested: less than 10 minutes!

My favorite kind of project---cheap and EASY!


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