Here's our crew...decked out in our Halloween finest and trick-or-treating in our neighborhood!

No really... I AM a real boy! Lol!

These were so realistic looking we could hardly eat them!


A LadyBug and a Mad Hatter...aka Katie and Morgan!


Lots of Treats....

and plenty of TRICKS, too! HEHE!

Blood clots anyone?

How about some giant pimples?

Pinnochio LOVES Bubba! He's your typical Carolina fan...lol!

Eww...someone forgot to flush!

Mom, Makayla, and Nikki!

Momma Chick!

Is this not the ABSOLUTE cutest thing ever???

Watch out for these people...

They WILL steal your treasure!
Happy Halloween EVERYONE!
absolutely love the Halloween party so that I had to miss your party. Look like y'all had a good time. Love ya and miss you lot.
I love the costumes.. and man those treats.. the labels were creepin me out! Great Halloween party!!! heheee
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