"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

{Thursday's THIS ~n~ THAT!}

Ho! Ho! Ho! Chirstmas is on it's way!
According to my countdown, I have just 15 more work days!

Soooooo...who wants to get crafty?

I do! I do!

This is the SIMPLEST craft EVER! This was just practice using my own hands but we are going to get our foster children to make a tree using their own handprints and have it scanned and made into Agency Christmas cards. The test run came out pretty good;)
Now....on to lunch!
Let's play "Guess Where?" You get three clues:
1. You can play checkers there...
2. Or relax in a rocker...

(I'm sure some of you guys have figured it out already:)

OR 3. You can buy something super cute in their store
Yep...you guessed it! The Cracker Barrel!

I had a good lunch with a good friend (Love ya Lisa!) and it was a VERY GOOD DAY! Now it's time to go home and make some scrub;)


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