"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Friday, December 3, 2010

{Bits & Pieces}


Sorry I've been MIA for a few days---it's because I've been BUSY!
So....let me catch ya up on a little bit that's been going on...

Last night we went to Elberton because some of my mom's coworkers had a Christmas Shower for Nikki. She got TONS of nice Christmas stuff and we had lots of fun hanging out together!

Makayla is always up for a party!

She's making her funny face!

It seemed like Nikki opened present after present...it was really sooo nice and she appreciated it so much!
Don't you LOVE her gray boots???
Lots of lights and shiny things kept Makayla entertained... ....and she is crawling so good now that she could get to just about anything her little heart desired!

Group Shots!

Cam and "Mini-me" enjoyed some of the goodies...
...and Big Al did, too! Love ya "Artsy"Ali!

We didn't leave Makayla out...Molly and Granny made sure she got some food, too! Mmmm...can't beat baby food, huh?!

Now, on to some exciting CHRISTMAS stuff! I have been trying to make each day as festive as possible, especially around the office so eveyone is more cheerful and work is

easier to enjoy! So I drug out the Santa countdown---(P.S. It's only 22 days now!) And everyone in my unit has a Christmas stocking with their name on it. We are sneaking goodies into the stockings throughout the month of December! I've already gotten so many nice things!
I grabbed these Santa Post-it Notes at CVS the other night...

...and I've been lighting my new sugar and spice candle as soon as I get home. R.E.L.A.X.I.N.G!!!
And last...but CERTAINLY not least....Glory got an early Christmas treat, too ~ a bag full of candy cane raw hides to enjoy 'til Santa comes!

I'm looking forward to hearing about all YOUR Holiday plans and festivities! Let the JOY of the REAL REASON FOR THE SEASON {and EVERY season} fill your heart and spread to everyone you meet!!!


1 comment:

jinxi~ aka angi said...

That sugar and spice candle I bet is fab!!