Monday, January 31, 2011
{Valentine Decor---Too easy NOT to do!}
Last night I was putting out some of my Valentine decorations and realized that I am lacking in the love day decor department. I like to go all out for Holidays and love, after all, matters the most....right??? {Don't you just love that song btw?}
So I began stalking some of my favorite craft blogs and found these awesome ideas that are
1. Cheap
2. Easy
3. Gorgeous!!!
So why not???
I'm gonna be busy tomorrow night during American Idol:), working on these....
V-day Chandelier Swag
Grocery Bag Wreath
Felt Heart Wreath
Rosette Garland
Thanks to everyone for posting these LOVEly creations!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
{Things about Thursday!}
...Something that made me really happy during my lunch break today! Molly and I went to Old Navy because we heard they were having a great sale...and YES THEY WERE!

I happen to LOVE Old Navy's Stainless Steel water bottles and have several at home. They DO NOT LEAK and they don't emit any harmful plastic chemicals. Luckily, today several of them were only 48 cent! As soon as we saw that, Molly and I bought all of them...except for one scraggler we spotted after checking out that got away and we didn't have time to get back in line for! We saved that one for you...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
{Restaurant Review: Brioso Fresh Pasta!}

Vivacious is an English equivalent of 'brioso'. The word in Italian is pronounced 'bree-OH-soh'. It's the masculine form of an adjective whose feminine form is 'briosa', which is pronounced 'bree-OH-sah'.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
{Spending less at CVS!}
The deal was this:
Get five 12 pks. of Coke products for $15 and get $5 back in extra bucks. (Extra bucks are given on a coupon and can be used immediately after a transaction on other merchandise in the store, they are basically just like cash). So I paid for my soft drinks first and got them each for $2, considering I basically got five 12 pks. for $10! Coke 12pks usually retail at CVS for over $4 so that added up to major savings!

So...after I got my softdrinks I scanned my CVS card at the coupon machine and got a coupon for $5 of when you buy 2 revlon cosmetic products! Score! Always scan for coupons before you start shopping!
Next, I shopped around for all the other items I needed (or just wanted:) and got all of my other coupons together. It takes some time and brain power---but it's totally worth it!

Monday, January 24, 2011
{Hey Rookie...}

The first tab that's folded down (and I need to fix) is "other". That's where I put coupons that don't fit into any of my other categories. The rest of the tabs are as follows:
2. Pet
3. Food
4. Household
5. Beauty
6. Dental
7. Dining out
You can design your file in any catergories that work well for you and the things you buy most often. I also keep all the weekly sales inserts(like from CVS, WALGREENS, GROCERY) inside another folder and pull them out when I need to see if I have a manufacturers coupon that would work with their current deals.
Today was my first actual trip to the grocery store with coupons in hand and I think I did fairly well considering I'm the new kid on the couponing block. I needed several things that weren't on sale so I paid full price for several items however, overall I saved $15.88 in BOGO deals (which meant many of my items were half price since I only needed one of most of the items) with my Bilo Bonus Card and an extra $8.82 with my coupons!
As you can see, that took my total from $63.05 down to $39.73! And I particularly like shopping at Bilo because we always put our Fuel Perks to good use! In fact, Trav just filled up my car the other day using fuel perks.
As I build up my stock of manufactures coupons and get better at this, I hope that I can start saving even more money by using coupons! I hope to become a pro at couponing!
Highlights from today's trip were:
Beggin' Strips: on sale 2/$6.00
Busy Bone: $3.72
-3.72-buy one beggin' strips package get the busy bone free
-1.00 instant coupon from beggin' strip package
-1.00 instant coupon from bone package good on beggin' strip purchase
=a grand total of 1.00 for my package of beggin' strips and the busy bone!
...looks like Glory got lucky!
2,000 Flushes toilet bowl cleaner (the kind that does the work for you---all you have to do is throw it in)$3.78 BOGO
-$1.89 in BOGO savings (at Bilo you don't have to buy 2 in order to get the savings!)
-$.55 manufacturer coupon
-$.55 manufactuer coupn (Bilo doubles most coupons up to 60 cent)
=a grand total of $.79 for my 2,000 flushes toilet cleaner!
If anyone has any tips/advice about couponing or has anything to share, please leave me a comment! It would just make my day!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
{Weekend Recap!}
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Today's Top 10!
1. Lazy Saturday's are always good:)
2. My house is now "Tidy" which (I know) is different than!
3. Glory got a good, long walk (which means I got some exercise, too!)
4. The bloomin' heartburn I had from last night's Bloomin' Onion is finally gone...
5. Found a few things at the thrift store
6. Ate some yummy cheese grits
7. Found some great new books for my sunday school class
8. Roxie took a nap with me...
9. I have a BOGO coupon for Marble Slab to use----
10. ---After we go see "The Dilemma"!
Gotta starts in a few!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
{Spicy ~n~ Sweet!}

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.