Yesterday meant back to work----
and reality. So to make the transistion a little easier {and
LOTS more fun!} I made the day as exciting as possible. Little things can really brighten up a day!
For example---
....two cute and sleepy cats!

....a delicious frozen treat! If you like sherbert you
MUST try this kind from Publix. Only one gram of fat per serving and it has real chunks of pineapple in it! Valentine's Day goodies from the Target one spot. The little one's in my sunday school class
LOVE stamps and I thought the bags would make cute treat bags!

...I know...I said I was finished buying Christmas Clearance but I couldn't pass this up! $5 bought me this 4ft inflatable santa! It lights up and includes a fan to keep it blown up, too:)

CVS I also found some cosmetics which always make me happy! And at 75% off, it makes me even happier!
LOL! If you need any makeup, go by your local CVS for lots of 75% off deals on the makeup aisle! These cost me a whopping
$13.08 total!
My favorite part of yesterday was curling up on the couch with Trav, eating a bowl of that scrumptious sherbert, and watching "Dinner for Schmucks".
So what's the lesson in all this?
Reward yourself sometimes! You deserve it and it's the little things that can really boost your mood and help make a work week much more enjoyable! It doesn't have to cost alot---enjoy your pets, eat a delicious healthy treat, invest in something that makes you feel your very best, and most importantly---spend quality time with the one's you love! Life is short so make the most out of today! Don't let things that don't REALLY MATTER steal your JOY, instead, create experiences that make you happy and relieve stress.
So, ENJOY today!!!
***What's one thing you will do today to make it FUN?***
Love this post Friend! and I LOVE this message!
I know this may not sound like a treat, but I am going to tidy up around my house because I am having a friend spend the night tomorrow. That sounds very middle-schoolish of me, but oh well!
Thanks Mark!
And SE, that sounds great! If that will make for a better weekend then I say go ahead get to cleaning:) I'm like you, a clean home is a happy home!
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