The deal was this:
Get five 12 pks. of Coke products for $15 and get $5 back in extra bucks. (Extra bucks are given on a coupon and can be used immediately after a transaction on other merchandise in the store, they are basically just like cash). So I paid for my soft drinks first and got them each for $2, considering I basically got five 12 pks. for $10! Coke 12pks usually retail at CVS for over $4 so that added up to major savings!

(all of this cost me only $17.42! Five 12 pks. of Cokes would normally cost you at least $20 themselves!)
So...after I got my softdrinks I scanned my CVS card at the coupon machine and got a coupon for $5 of when you buy 2 revlon cosmetic products! Score! Always scan for coupons before you start shopping!
Next, I shopped around for all the other items I needed (or just wanted:) and got all of my other coupons together. It takes some time and brain power---but it's totally worth it!

Couponing is SO MUCH FUN!---Especially when you LOVE TO SHOP, like me!
Hey, Laura!! I was on FB and ran across your post. I do the same kind of deals at CVS and get so many things for great prices! Couponing is my new obsession too. (although, I haven't had a chance to do much lately). You are my kind of girl! You got a lot of great things! Good job. :))
Thanks so much for leaving a comment:)! I will continue to post my good deals and hopefully you can tell me about yours through my blog or facebook so we can help each other out:)I love to share the "save some money" love! I hope Eva had a very happy birthday!!
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