One of our favorite places was Downtown Freemont Street...
the Original Vegas! :) It's kinda old school (compared to the busy strip)...which I really liked:)

A couple of the original hotels

We explored a little while and then went to the most awesome pool
EVER! We were able to get into the Golden Nugget and enjoy some sunshine and their
TOTALLY COOL slide that goes straight through an aquarium with giant sharks and all kinds of fishies:) Kinda scary-Really fun!

Relaxin and enjoying each others company:) I truly believe that vacations are important for couples and we always enjoy getting to reconnect, make memories, and spend time with each other!

The sun out there is's like the sun on steroids! I had to really lather up with extra SPF and I still couldn't keep the rays at bay:) I think it's because it doesn't feel as hot with the breeze and zero humidity!

After getting too much sun we decided it was time for some dinner....

....and I worried that I had damaged my skin:( Luckily it turned out not to be as bad as I thought:)
Yay for SPF 50!
Dinner was a big burger and fries and we enjoyed people watching for awhile....there are
LOTS and
LOTS of interesting people to stare at....'re not supposed to do that?:) It's impossible
NOT TO in Vegas---trust me!
This is the transparent covering throughout Freemont Street. They have a lights show every night, set to music, and the entire place glows....definitely one of my
FAVORITE things!

This guy in the pic below...boy do I have a story about him:) Trav took $5 into the Golden Nugget to play craps for a few minutes. He came back out, quickly I might add, without his money. I asked what happened and he said "there was this guy who told me what to play---he said it was the best bet in Vegas---so I did it. He had about $5,000 worth of chips on the table so I thought he knew what he was doing."

I couldn't believe that
THIS was
THAT GUY when Trav pointed him out to me in the crowd!
Bahahaha! The only thing that guy is
is probably IN DEBT...which is pretty sad:( 
We spent
VERY little money gambling and don't believe that it's a healthy lifestyle, especially for a Christian. However, I do think it's ok in moderation, for entertainment, as long as it doesn't cause any problems. I found a pretty good article about the subject
Guess what? I got asked to participate in a street show:)

He was so talented!
The next day we tried to do a little bit of everything we hadn't gotten to yet:)

Waiting on our friend, Mr. Bus:)
We saw the show at Circus Circus....

...and then hit the strip for a little while.
We saw the fountains at the Bellagio---

---and celebrated Trav's win on the Kentucky Derby! We bet $10 on Animal Kingdom because Travis was just thinking about missing our dog and since we love animals--we thought...
why not?
And he
WON! Cheering on Animal Kingdom to take the Triple Crown!

It was really chilly the night we saw the fountains but I'm glad we stayed to watch was amazing!

The inside of the Bellagio was
FANCY! I felt like a celebrity just being inside:) The flowers were spectacular!

This is a living work of art! I wish it was hanging in my living room:) It's made entirely of fresh flowers.

To top off the last night, we ran into Roddy White and his entourage as we were leaving the Bellagio:)
There were stars in the sky, stars in the hotels, and stars in my eyes....
what a wonderful vacation! And how corny can one girl get? Hehe!!!Love,
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