I'm so PROUD of myself! I limited myself to $5 and one trip to Goodwill last week;)

I grabbed this 20 pack of disposable Christmas placements for 25 cent...I can do LOTS with them when the time comes;)

...and these cute Mickey and Minnie Valentines with stickers for 60 cent. I couldn't resist---just too darn cute!
Also, this brand new big Valentine's Day candle that smells HEAVENLY! Helloooo February;)

The last bit of my $5 was spent on some craft stuff I bought at Goodwill but that project will be featured tomorrow---stay tuned!
I had to do a little grocery shopping and found these flowers on clearance at Ingles...

I wanted the whole cart but I left the loveliness for someone else;) and kept smiling. Hehe!

Now...get ready for the Grocery shopping breakdown:
On the Menu for supper:Hamburger steak, green bean casserole, baked potatoes
Crockpot BBQ Chicken, scalloped taters, and grean beans
Tacos with spanish rice and black beans
Homestyle Turkey Bake
Fried Chicken, mac -n- cheese, cabbage
Turkey dogs with baked beans
Kashi whole wheat pizza and salad
Per meal= 5.86
Per person= 2.93
Now...LUNCH MENU:The basics to last about three weeks-
TOTAL= $24.06
Per meal= $1.71
Per person=$0 .85
And I figure there will be about 2 or 3 days worth of leftovers from supper, too ;)
Lastly, I got me some good ole' cereal for $1.60 a box...

One more deal I just gotta share with you guys---

My cart full of DEALS from Dollar General. I wish I could remember what blog I saw advertise this great sale so I could give a Kudos but I can't....Boo! But I send a giant "thank you!" to whoever that kind person was!
10 cent! 10 cent! 10 cent! ENOUGH SAID!

19 patriotic decorations for $1.90

and summer stuff for 60 cent...HELLOOOO Fourth of July weekend...lol!
...and that pretty much sums it up;)
Night! Night!