And so is getting all the Bohemian sand out of your hair after several good swims in the ocean! I've washed mine several times and I'm still finding grains of sand under my headbands:) No complaints though...I'm happy to have brought some of the Bahamas home with me!
Since we went on a cruise, we ATE a TON while we were now it's time to (semi) DETOX:) We've been trying to stick to fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meat as much as possible. Not to lose weight, just to get our bodies feeling healthy and energized again:) You can tell when you're just bogged down with bad-for-you stuff!
So this morning I had a protein bar and a cup of coffee, then a few sour gummie savers (semi applies here!)
Breakfast tomorrow might be some of this cereal I stashed from the cruise:)
To liven up my first day back at work since vacay, I put out a few Easter decorations...
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
~John 11:25-26~
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