"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Thursday, May 24, 2012

{On the Main}

I made an effort this morning to start off with some healthy eats.
Natural peanut butter sandwich , a mango (Thanks Mo:), and a nana....Nom! Nom!

I set out a couple sweet-smelling buds to brighten up the office a bit...
...then went to lunch:)
The food was good but the company was GREAT!
Although Leslie has a strong arguement that her food was actually better than the company---and I wouldn't argue:)
Look at that plate full of Southern deliciousness!
This is the other half of the good company:)

I opted for what I guessed was one of the healthiest options...
...fresh fruit and half of a whole wheat roast beef wrap with lettuce and tomatoes.

Plus a few chips -n- dip.
Just a few:)

P.S. Don't we look awake (weird inside joke, don't ask:)

1 comment:

Leslie J. said...

Love it!!