"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

{Weekend Happenings}

Saturday morning I woke up TRES EXCITED because Ali, Morgan, and Camryn were coming to spend the day with me!

We went to Target to get some goodies for the movie theater:)


Aren't these new whole grain Goldfish shaped sandwich buns neat?:)

Camryn didn't get the Golden Ticket but she did get to see Winnie the Pooh!

It was a really cute movie!

Afterwards we went to the pool for a few hours and played water baseball:)

When we got home, we got dressed....

Ali did some fabulous eye makeup...

and we set out for Wild Wings:)

25 wings...

and a heaping platter of BBQ Chicken Nachos later we were STUFFED! It's a good thing we did lots of swimming earlier:)

Sunday morning we needed a big breakfast before another fun day at the POOL! Travis had a golf tournament so Ali and I went to Denny's after Sunday School:)

Hawaiian Pancake Puppies....

Peach French Toast....

and GRITS! Yummy!

I had so much fun with my girls!!!



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