Wanna know why?
Huh, Huh, Huh???
Ok, I'll tell ya! In fact, I've been dying to get to my blog ALL day to brag about some of the Angels in my life! And to vent about my unrelenting urge for drench dries---no, not a typo---apparently that's what I texted Trav today- HeHe! So anyway, here goes...
I would be remise not to tell you about Michelle who SO KINDLY supplied us with a FREE and SO DESPERATELY needed vacuum cleaner! And not just ANY vacuum cleaner but one that actually works and actually gets up pet hair! A modern day MIRACLE! I took a pic of Trav vacuuming with it but he made me promise not to post that on my blog...and I keep my promises...hehe!
Michelle also gave Glory a present....
EEEK! It screeches and sticks out its toungue when you give him a squeeze! 
Glory is a
BIG BABY so she was afraid at first but I think they're growing on her!
Also courtesy of "Angel Michelle",
This lovely dish rack for my sink...why did i NOT have one of these sooner???
Now for "Angel #2": CW who gave me an awesome quote that I wanna share with you, too!
"Yard by yard, life's too hard but inch by inch, life's a cinch!"
So, when you're having a tough day just remember that little saying and it might just make your day a little better!
Or, take a load off on an awesome chair that you found for a buck at a yard sale, that might make you smile, too!

I found the perfect spot for mine! I can't wait until he makes friends with someone's bottom who is visiting my house and needs a place to sit!
I have been on a "
wanting to redo, repaint, and reorganize my house frenzy" today. It started when I was in a boring training and felt the urge to jump out of my seat, drive home, and get to it right away. But luckily, I excersied a little self control and drew up some plans in my notebook instead. So now I have a whole new "treasure hunt" list for upcoming yard sales and thrifting adventures.
#1 on my list right now is some type of antique (or just old:)vanity similar to this:
Isn't she a beauty? This is my "in my dreams version" and this is probably a little more realistic...
Though, with lots of love, I could really fix 'er up!
Also of interest, I purchased my Bridesmaids dress for Nikki's wedding yesterday at David's Bridal in Greenville and guess what??? It's almost right beside the Goodwill Clearance Center! But, I'll have you know that I did NOT stop in and buy more movies and books. No, sir ree!
Ok, I fibbed a little...
But who could pass up these awesome classics!
*Crickets chirpping*{Probably EVERYONE but me!}
And lastly, I only had two major dilemma's today both of which were easily solved:
1. I was CRAVING McDonalds like it was nobody's business. I knew I would feel YUCKY if I stuffed myself with all that fried food at lunch and had to go sit for another three hours in my training. So...I came up with an alternate plan. I decided to have a subway sandwich for lunch *filling and healthy* and satisfy my craving for french fries tonight by baking some of my own. Perfecto! (Let's just hope my plan works!)
2. I forgot my sunglasses for my 2 1/2 hr. trip to Columbia! Major bummer! I solved this one pretty easily by stopping for these during my lunch break:
Not too shabby for $3!
Hope you have a wonderful night! I'm off to satisfy my craving for fried and salty taters!