"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

{Happy Birthday to "We's Deddy!"}

Happy Birthday to you,
You live in a zoo,
you look like a monkey....
and you smell like one, too!

Just kidding, Dad!

I love you {and you don't look or smell like monkey!) and I hope you have a WONDERFUL, FABULOUS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

And a quick thanks to my sistah-friend, Mo, who started my day off with a fabulous surprise...

A Fat Free vanilla cappucinno! She's a SWEET sistah!

Now, backtracking a bit to FUNDAY SUNDAY...

My family met up in A-town to celebrate my Dad's birthday at Ryan's...Yum!


And looky what the pets have been up to...
Being fat and lazy! I love my Big Daddy Rex! And Trav, as usual, continues to spoil Glory ROTTEN!!!
I was trying to color in my new Disney coloring book that I got at the Goodwill Clearance Center but Rex kept getting in my way. I love to color every once in awhile...it's so relaxing!

I tried to stay in the lines! hehe...what do you think?

And finally, I don't think I need to leave you with a joke today because the following is funny enough...

I'm a wizard! Found the hat on a recent thrifting adventure...told ya it was funny!



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