Lots of GOOD things have already happened (or will be happening:) today:
1. God woke me up and gave me another GORGEOUS day to enjoy! We each wake up to a gift first thing in the morning---what a WONDERFUL GOD we serve!
2. I'm going to have lunch with some of my FAVORITE peeps today! Happy Early Birthday Lisa and Leslie!
3. Trav called and told me our laptop was repaired and upgraded to last another 5-10 years for just $50! Yay!
4. I found this cell phone holder in some junk being thrown away at work and I must admit it's pretty handy:) I've become "Mrs. Cell Phone Holster Wearer"....if you haven't seen this you MUST google it! FUNNY!
...so I thought green fingers and green toes might do the trick! PLUS--a green outfit---just to be on the safe side:)
Your secret weapon to creating something cute QUICKLY and EASILY! I couldn't live without a hot glue gun!
2. A spool of pretty "springy/Eastery" looking ribbon. I got mine at Hobby Lobby for $1.50. It was 40% off:)
3. Plain towels. I got these for $1 each at Dollar Tree. I loved the colors they had to choose from.
4. Some kind of embellishment. I found these flowers for 39 cent each at Hobby Lobby.
Now, if your glue gun is smokin', you're ready to start! Actually, if your glue gun is REALLY smoking, you might wanna replace it soon:) That was just a figure of speech:)
Literally, all you do is glue a strip of ribbon across the front and then glue on your embellishment. It's THAT EASY!
What do you think?
Cute, Simple, Cheap, Easy, and only took about 10 minutes!
My sisterfriend, Mo, has a blue kitchen so I grabbed the blue one for her:) They would make GREAT gifts for Mother's Day which is right around the corner! Or teacher's gifts for Easter:)
---$2.46, you can't beat that!
So, you wanna see what's in my bag???
New Product#1 Smashbox concealer in 02. It was $18 but it was SO WORTH IT! I tested it on my hand and instantly knew it was exactly what I was looking for. Blendable, lightweight, oil-free and a natural color. Not all people need oil-free products but I do:)
New Product #2
Stila all over shimmer duo
The perfect highlighter for cheeks, eyes and on the cupid's bow of the lip...a little trick that instantly makes your upper lip appear plumper:) It was $22 but since you only need a DAB it should last awhile.
New Product #3
Sorry it's sideways:) Benefit "Hello Flawless" custom powder cover up---I'm in love! It had the perfect yellow undertones to match my skin and covered flawlessly when I tested it on my wrist (which is the place you should also test cosmetics since it's closest to your face's color) I don't wanna tell you how much this one cost because my husband might read this...hehe! Think of it as an investment in YOU!
We really DO belong together:)
I have been trying to save money by buying cheaper stuff for my face but it really does't make much sense. Spend as much as you can afford on a REALLY good concealer, foundation, and highlighter because the pricey one's have more pigments, staying powder, and you need less to look FABULOUS! Save money by buying less expensive eyeshadow, blushers, (although you need atleast one GOOD blush) lipsticks, and glosses.
Now...Wish me luck finding that part time job!
Be Radiant!