"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

{Create: Homemade Spring Kitchen Towels!}

Time to Create!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Supplies Needed:

1. Hot Glue Gun

Your secret weapon to creating something cute QUICKLY and EASILY! I couldn't live without a hot glue gun!

2. A spool of pretty "springy/Eastery" looking ribbon. I got mine at Hobby Lobby for $1.50. It was 40% off:)

3. Plain towels. I got these for $1 each at Dollar Tree. I loved the colors they had to choose from.

4. Some kind of embellishment. I found these flowers for 39 cent each at Hobby Lobby.

Now, if your glue gun is smokin', you're ready to start! Actually, if your glue gun is REALLY smoking, you might wanna replace it soon:) That was just a figure of speech:)

Literally, all you do is glue a strip of ribbon across the front and then glue on your embellishment. It's THAT EASY!

What do you think?
Cute, Simple, Cheap, Easy, and only took about 10 minutes!
My sisterfriend, Mo, has a blue kitchen so I grabbed the blue one for her:) They would make GREAT gifts for Mother's Day which is right around the corner! Or teacher's gifts for Easter:)

Spring/Easter Kitchen Towels Complete!
Moving on to project #2....
I needed to decorate a big candle holder for spring. I love this candle and had it in the back room for awhile because I just didn't have anywhere for it. I decided to dig it out and put it on my dining room table.
First, I opened a bag of stick-on Easter eggs that I found at Hobby Lobby for $1.50. They were also 40% off.
Next, I tied on a big bow from the spool of ribbon I used earlier.
Then I stuck some Easter Eggs around the edges on on the bow---and TaDa!
Festive-looking in 5 minutes flat!

Tonight's craft project is a new Easter plate to hang above my stove. I'm going to browse around Hobby Lobby later for some inspiration:) Fun! Fun! Fun!
Happy Creating!


Kristi's Space said...

So cute! You're so creative and talented Laura!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

Cute Cute my crafty friend!