Lots of GOOD things have already happened (or will be happening:) today:
1. God woke me up and gave me another GORGEOUS day to enjoy! We each wake up to a gift first thing in the morning---what a WONDERFUL GOD we serve!
2. I'm going to have lunch with some of my FAVORITE peeps today! Happy Early Birthday Lisa and Leslie!
3. Trav called and told me our laptop was repaired and upgraded to last another 5-10 years for just $50! Yay!
4. I found this cell phone holder in some junk being thrown away at work and I must admit it's pretty handy:) I've become "Mrs. Cell Phone Holster Wearer"....if you haven't seen this you MUST google it! FUNNY!

Speaking of GREAT THINGS....I gotta brag on this lasagna Molly made!

I won't be back 'til Monday because this weekend is jam-packed busy with Ali's Pageant, Church, and Makayla's 1st Birthday party---and I can't wait!
Oh---and Sunday, in honor of the 1st day of spring, you can get a free italian ice at Rita's from 12-9 pm!
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
~Lamentations 3:22-24
yum! I love lasagna. :) I may have to try that recipe soon! :)
Your posts always make me *~*sMiLe*~*!!!! Thanks for being YOU!
Mmm that looks yummy!
I sooo love your positive attitude! :)
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