"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

{Scarf it down!}

Hey Friends!

I LOVE finding cheap little silk scarfs at the thrift store:) They're so easy to wear and they add a little pop of color to any outfit. I got this one for a quarter last weekend:)They also feel kinda "fancy" which adds a little something special to your day:) And that's just about as "fancy" as this girl gets...LOL!

This afternoon I sat on the front porch and just relaxed for awhile...soaking in all the fall goodness I could get!
Glory relaxed, too:)
After reading, I put up my new pumpkin/leaf wooden "swag" on my mirror in the dining room. I got it today for 50 cent at Haven of Rest during my lunch. Yay! Please look over the rest of the mess everywhere:)
My dining room table is my go-to dumping spot when I come thru the door:) I try to clear it off by bedtime most night but that doesn't always happen....SO.....

As I was sorting/decorating/cleaning I put on Trav's flip flops because I left mine on the front porch and I don't like being barefoot on my hardwoods. As I continued to (attempt) to sort through a pile of laundry, I realized I needed to make a quick grocery run. In a hurry, I got Glory's leash, loaded her into the car, and made my way to Ingles. I didn't even notice I was STILL wearing these HUGE men's flip flops until I almost tripped over one on the cereal aisle:) I was wearing straight-leg cords, too, which made it SO obvious...so I hope someone got a good laugh:)
In crafty news---

I found a really easy, cute candy corn wreath over at Keeping it Simple and thought you guys might wanna try making one for your door~I love the cheap and easy kind of craft ideas:) I'm going to make a mini one for my office door with a small plain wreath I got for a quarter at Goodwill and have been saving for the right project.

Nighty! Night! Time to go make some pancakes...


1 comment:

Rita D. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I wanted to pop over and check yours out. Love all of the thrifty ideas. I too love to shop at Goodwill.