"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Monday, September 12, 2011

{A Weekend to Remember...}

Starting off with.... ...a trip to the zoo with a few little monkeys:)
Rachealle and her little boy-Caleb:), Molly and Makayla, and Lisa and her little boy-Cooper:) I just tagged along and enjoyed every minute!
Me and Makayla making friends with the Elephants:)
Cooper talking to the Monkeys:)
Three Amigos!
Look "Wa Wa"....I'm playing with the monkeys!
The Kiddos loved the playground!
Me and Caleb with Mr. Frog)
We were all thirsty and drank from the Lion fountain:)
I had so much fun with everyone!
Sunday was Grandparents Day so my family met up for lunch after church...
...and to spend some quality time together:)And Makayla climbed a few trees in between!

She loves spending time with her "Happy" and "Big Daddy"!
We all went to visit my MaMa who is 96! She was so happy for us all to be together:)
My MaMa has always been one for candy---she always had a MilkyWay or Three Musketeer bar for us when we were younger:)---so it didn't take long for Makayla to find
the jar of candy corn and try to feed some to everyone AND herself:) I love my family so much!
And of course, spending time with my own family only made my heart break more for the families of 9-11. We will never forget the precious lives lost on that day and the courage of so many others! God Bless Families and GOD BLESS AMERICA!



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