"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Thursday, June 14, 2012


..."all my troubles seemed so far away"....

***That song is TOTALLY stuck in my head now!***


Overnight Oats with STRAWBERRIES!
Made in my almost empty Peanut Butter jar:) A little trick I learned from Kath!


I'm thinking I might change my hair color. Maybe do a rich brown shade? Or back to good ole blonde? Any opinions??? I'm just not lovin' this in-between look I've got going on :/
We shall see...hmmmm.....


I had Subway on the road for lunch:) Six inch oven-roasted chicken with baked lays and coke zero. Quite yummy!!!

More chocolate!
I see a trend this week ;) *Wink*

While Molly took her their new puppy to the vet, I took my little bestie to "Donalds":)
 Where she refused to eat anything but her apples! Atleast she's choosing the healthy stuff:)

Talk about a test of willpower! Sitting with a 2 year old who won't eat her happy meal---leaving it there for the taking. I was starving by this time and resisting that greasy goodness was HARD! But I had plans for dinner so I just nibbled on a few fries and tossed the rest in the garbage and hit the playground:) Gosh that girl loves that playground!

Mo picked Makayla up and I went home to cook our dinner.

Homemade "Fried" Rice 
 I wanted to use the cabbage I bought at Whole Foods Sunday and thought this would be a tasty way to do it:)

In the Skillet:

TONS of chopped cabbage
1 chopped zuchinni
1/2 cup of brown rice
1 whole egg
1 egg white
drizzle of low sodium soy sauce

Stir while cooking and until veggies are done to your liking. Wish I would've had some chopsticks to eat it with:)

As for the rest of the cabbage----
---just boiled with some sea salt to enjoy with another meal.

Dessert from my sistah-friend:)
Just one!



Kitize Fleming said...

I vote blonde! :)

Randi said...

I think you will be beautiful with any color! A nice golden, rich brown would be lovely :)