"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Saturday, November 13, 2010

{Things that are...}

Not so good---

I washed my Pinocchio gloves and hung them up to dry, and now...there's just one. Oh where or where could it be?Big piles of laundry that need to be put up... {It can always wait 'til tomorrow, right?}
Candle holders that get covered in melted wax....how the heck am I supposed to clean THAT up?

And now for the GOOD STUFF!

Sweet cards and well wishes for our Anniversary----THANKS EVERYONE!
And sweet gifts, too! Can't wait to go to JPeters!
Homemade Zucchini bread from a sweet Grandmother...

and fun Christmas puzzles that are stockpiled for the next time my lil' Cam spends the night!

Doggies that are SWEET and love getting out to play...
and of course, Gummy Starbursts.....because who DOESN'T like those?!

{Oh, except for Dr. Copeland who wrote this on my chart during my last dental cleaning: "Advised patient to eat less candy." Oops!}
Oh and last but not least...A sweet hubby who got me an awesome new camera! If anyone needed it, it was me!

P.S. C-L-E-M-S-O-N T-I-G-E-RRRRRRRRRRR-S! Fight Tigers, Fight Tigers, Fight! Fight! Fight!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omgoodness! My old dentist's name was Dr. Kopeland (but he is in Alabama)-how coincidental!
