"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Friday, April 2, 2010

Five Things...

AHHHH....SO FRUSTRATED! Just finished typing my list and now I'm having to start all over again! For some reason it didn't post! AHHHHH!!!

Ok...so here I go...AGAIN!

Five things I'm looking forward to:

1. Easter breakfast at my Church
2. Seeing Makayla
3. Celebrating Easter with my family
4. Getting off work
5. Seeing Trav when he gets home from playing golf today

Five things I did yesterday:

1. Had ice cream with a friend
2. Bought an Easter dress that ended up being too small (shucks!)
3. Ate a big salad for dinner
4. Made Easter treat bags for my family
5. Forgot to take my medicine (oops!)

Five things I wish I could do:

1. Make 5:00 get here sooner!
2. Get more blog friends and readers
3. Speak another language
4. Avoid eating fattening Easter treats on Sunday
5. Become a better friend, daughter, wife, sister, ect...

Five places I'd like to go:

1. Mars (I think I'm already there sometimes!)
2. Paris...oooh la la
3. Hollywood
4. Camping
5. Another cruise to anywhere!

Five cute things I've seen online lately:

1. Pictures of my new little niece
2. Cards at Pass it On (Had to include it since I just got one in the mail and LOVED it!)
3. Easter treats at The Intentional Home!
4. Bubba's new Easter Dress!
5. Fleece Easter animals at Sew Can Do!

This was a fun challenge from Kathy at Pass it On! You can receive a beautiful handmade card it you participate! Click HERE for details!


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