Me (Beatrice! There's a little story behind that name. Trav saw a woman on our honeymoon crusie that looked similar to what I look like above and called her Beatrice Backwater everytime we passed her on the ship! We laugh every time we think of her!) with Morgan and Brittney...dressed in their finest! I picked them up to come spend the weekend with me and it just kept getting more fun from there!
Can you believe that most of their outfits were made by them?! Pretty cool, huh!

When we got back into A-town we finished some last minute touches for the yardsale (THANK YOU gals for all your help!) and then went to Chick-fil-A for dinner.
I must admit that I cheated and had a regular fried sandwich and fries...totally delicious and worth it!
Then we Three Amigos had three free milkshakes! Can't beat that! Totally delicious and worth it too!
Saturday morning, we got up at 6 am (yikes!) and got ready to start the sale! Morgan and Brittney painted each other's faces for their face painting booth. Aren't they cute? Clowin' around in the Sunshine!
I got in on the facepainting action, too!
Morgan, why are you such a CLOWN?!
This was my reaction when the yard sale was going a little slow...
But we had a BLAST and the girls made a little money and I added almost $50 to my vacation jar. No complaints here!
After the yardsale we loaded up in the Mitzi and went to Discovery Island. FUN! FUN! Bubba and Ray joined us and took some pics...check her BLOG to see them! Bubba, we had lots of fun with you guys!
We were pooped when we got home Saturday night! We rented Alice in Wonderland and enjoyed some Taco Bell...remember, I forgave them!
I had already seen Alice in the theater but I really enjoyed watching it again with the girls. It's a great movie!
Sunday morning Travis made us this breakfast fit for a king...or should I say QUEENS! *smile* Toast, Bacon, Eggs, and cheese grits! Yummy! Thanks Trav!
We hardy ever use our dining room table but we made use of it for breakfast and lit the candles, too! Nothing like breakfast by!
Goodwill Clearance Center! My home away from home!
It was my aunt Fran's first time and she was quite enthralled! I'm so glad she found some treasures, too!
Since I love Elephants so much, I decided to become a pink one! I found this at the Goodwill Clearance Center and got it for my costume box. It's funny because when I was little, there was a local pharmacy with a fountain that served "pink elephants"!
For $7 I also got about 5 purses, 8 shirts, a skirt, The Limited Kakhis, 12 books (several cute children's books for Makayla), lots of other random things, and this... Because I'm just SURE i'll need it for a trip to Siberia someday!
Oops...I almost forgot your joke!
Why didn't the dog talk to his foot?
Happy Monday Everybody!
Laura...AKA "Beatrice Backwater!"
Love the outfits!! They were pretty funny!
lol! I LOVE the outfits!!! Looks like y'all had a BLAST!
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