"....I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." ~James 10:10~

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

{In a Daze}

Ever have one of those days that you just feel really...BLAH? I'm having one of those kinda days. I had to go to the Dentist yesterday and get some fillings...YUCK!...and woke up this morning just feeling kinda out of it, so I took the day off. I slept most of the day and just couldn't get motivated to do much. I guess my body must have needed some rest. I dunno...

Then, I locked my keys in my car. Yep, it always happens when it's the LAST thing you need. But you know, things could be worse. I will stop whining now! LOL!

I got to see my lil' Makayla today so that made everything seem ok! OOOOHHHH, I LOVE HER!

I'm really feeling like I need to do a major overhaul at my house. I still haven't painted a single wall or changed a single thing since I moved in. Again, just haven't gotten the motivation to do it all. I might start with my bathroom and move out from there. We'll see...

I sound like such a Debbie Downer tonight, don't I? Sorry! Tomorrow hopefully I'll feel more like Susie Sunshine!



Jeff, Sarah Ellen, and Beck said...

Doing projects around the house always perks me up. It gives me a goal to work toward and then when you complete it, you feel a sense of accomplishment! Happy sprucing!

Laura said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I came home and did a few things, and amazingly, I did feel a little better! But man...just seems like there's so much to do! lol!

What I Say Matters! said...

I think we were in the same mood yesterday Friend!